“Bodiesbodies” at La rada, Locarno

By Last Updated: January 3, 2023Views: 664

“Bodiesbodies” presents itself as an open and fragmentary discourse on meta-identity, by which sculptures, installations, movies and performances mix to attract a hybrid house between physique, gender and alterity. Meant as an area to discover, the exhibition assessments and expands boundaries regarding questions of id.

The exhibition proposes some doable visions of the human physique associated to fixed publicity to cinematic languages and the narrative style referred to as Principle Fiction.

With the media’s growing concentrate on behaviors, emotions, psyches, and fragments of intimate and autobiographical experiences, we ourselves develop into the positioning and the medium of propagating others’ behaviors, taking up the alternatives and aesthetics of leisure. Our our bodies are regularly compelled into confrontation with a shared and socially superb concept of the physique, of others. This mechanism has unequivocally pushed society towards a brand new sphere of id, the place elements associated to gender, race and sexuality are permeated by way of the merchandise of the movie trade, tv sequence and probably the most diverse and disparate narrative languages used for leisure or advertising and marketing functions.

All of the components that make up the exhibition are fragments of various methodologies and methods of telling and understanding the identical shared story.

Taking part artists:
James Bantone
Costanza Candeloro
Giulia Essyad and
Eleonora Luccarini

at La rada, Locarno
till January 15, 2023

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